Seminar Digital Citizen Science
Digital Citizen Science - that means conducting research together with citizens in the field - interactively and directly in real life. Particularly in the time of Corona, questions about problem areas in the domestic context are investigated. Who suffers from stress while working from home, who enjoys working from home because they experience more flow? Which forms of digital cooperation promote social contacts and prevent loneliness? These and other questions around the topic of Wellbeing @Home are the subject of the seminar papers.
The seminar papers will be supervised by interdisciplinary members of various research groups working together on the topic of Digital Citizen Science. Involved are the research groups of Prof. Mädche (IISM), Prof. Nieken (IBU), Prof. Scheibehenne (IISM), Prof. Szech (ECON), Prof. Volkamer (AIFB), Prof. Weinhardt (IISM) and Prof. Woll (IfSS).
Please also check out the already completed topics to learn more about the seminar.